
High Performance Productivity And Profit — with Dr. Kayvon K

Does it ever feel like you have too much on your to-do list and it is a struggle just to keep up with everything your business needs from you?

I have felt like this more times than I can count in my 27 years of being a business owner.

Whenever I need help with being more productive by doing less, I turn to my good friend, Dr. Kayvon K.

I am thrilled to have Kayvon as my special guest to kick-off this interview series.

Listen to us talk about how to shift away from doing everything yourself, removing tasks from your to-do list to free up time, and ultimately becoming more profitable in the process.

During this episode, Kayvon mentioned these as his must-read books …

→ Breakthrough Advertising, Eugene Schwartz

→ Do The Work, Steven Pressfield

Be sure to connect with Kayvon after the show …

→ Kayvon’s Website: https://profitfinder.pro/ 

→ Free Assessment: https://form.jotform.com/kayvonk/profitperformance 

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Until next time, keep moving forward!

Chuck Anderson

Investor + Marketing Consultant
PS: I would love to hear from you! For investment opportunities or questions on developing a network of referral partners please email me at hello@collaboratorsunite.com